29 August 2006

NEW This Fall! PHIL 310 Reformational Philosophy

Ever wanted to know more about why Christian worldview is such a big deal at Trinity?

Would you like to be able to impress your friends and family by being able to pronounce "Dooyeweerd" easily?

Would you be interested in getting to know one of the most original Christian philosophical traditions so far--and better understand its influence at Trinity?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above, it's not too late to sign up for PHL 310, Reformational Philosophy. This course will introduce you to the work of Abraham Kuyper, the great Dutch Christian scholar and statesman, and the philosophical movement known as neo-Calvinism. This worldview and philosophy was most fully articulated by the late Herman Dooyeweerd and continues to generate rich insights in many areas from political thought to aesthetics to theology to epistemology and many other areas.

This is a seminar course and has a small enrollment so students can interact with the texts, one another and Dr. Pierson in a casual and relaxed atmosphere.

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